
Liminal space refers to the null area between two borders, a space of ambiguity and
transition, a place where one loses context and is suspended in a void unable to grasp one
reality or the other.


::.LIMINAL is an artwork that intends to overflow the limits of the stage of dance and performance using the city’s architecture as a second skin through a series of live-cinema videomapping performances in public space that explore the dancers’ personal experiences and transformations with liminality, opening a dramaturgical door to read our relation with the city in our present historic context.


The creative process


LOLA RUBIO – Studied ballet & contemporary dance in Madrid & the national Choreographic Center of Montpellier. Feldenkrais practitioner & teacher

Lola Rubio (ES)

DOMINIQUE TEGHO – dancer & choreographer, studied at HZT.  Researches internal borders, approaches dance as a tool for transformation

Dominique Tegho (LB)

PETER PLEYER – Studied dance at EDDC Arnhem. 20years as dancer, choreographer, dramaturg, lecturer. Former Director of Tanztage at the Sophiensæle

Peter Pleyer (DE)

JULIA B. LAPERRIERE – Canadian choreographer based in Berlin. She holds a BA in Dance from l’Université du Québec à Montréal and an MA in Choreography from MA Exerce ICI-CCN Montpellier/Université Paul-Valéry 3. Working between Germany, Canada and France,   the mix of languages, places, practices, people and genres —both artistic and identity related— constitute an integral part of her practice. Lately, she’s been developing her research around the topic of the dangerous woman and is interested in archetypes,  the representations of the female body on stage, gender, sexuality, new intimacies and dangerous dances. Her dance often expresses itself within the materiality of the relationship to objects and to the other.

Julia B. Laperriere (CA)

RODRIGO GARCÍA ALVES- Choreographer & performance artist, MA SoDA (U.Arts Berlin), BA Directing Theater (FURio). Works on gender, identity, race and history

Rodrigo García Alves (BR/DE)

ISADORA PAZ – Contemporary dance choregrapher and interpreter. Promotes collective inquiry through dance, and facilitates community development as continuous intercultural dialogue, and action as interdisciplinary exploration. Co founder of the project Da Escenica based in Tegucigalpa, she is a member of the International Interdisciplinary artists consortium IIAC.

Isadora Paz (HN/ARG)

SONIA NOYA was born in the crossing of a swiss and spanish culture. Considered half animal, half machine, she sometimes forgets to breath.

Sonia Noya (CH/ES)

LEMPIRA JAÉN  -Performer, dancer, educator in movement techniques and functional physics. Studied dance at the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes in Morelia, Mexico. Resident choreographer at the National Choreographic Centre of La Rochelle and the Ballet Atlantique Regine Chopinot France. Guest actor for Cirque du Soleil.

         Lempira Jaén (HN)

                                                           ::.LIMINAL is funded and supported by:


                                                                                  in partnership with neue häute e.V.