October 18th – 22nd, 2022

A short film and a live cinema videomapping experience based on dance performances in liminal spaces in Berlin.

Featured performers: Julia B. Laperrière, Lola Rubio, Rodrigo García Alves, Lempira Jaén, Sonia Noya, Isadora Paz, Peter Pleyer and Dominique Tegho.

October 18th 

AnaConda am Ufer

Private screening: short film and making of.        *Guest list. 

October 20th 


Short film project presentation and making of.                        *Private screening / Guest List

October 21st 

Anhalter Bahnhof -Exilmuseum

Live cinema architectural videomapping                         *Free Admission *Outdoors event.

October 22nd 

Berlin School of Sound

Live cinema performance & live soundtrack mix w/ Diane Barbè  incorporating musical compositions for the film by Ángel Sánchez Borges: *Free Admission *Closing event.

Written, directed and videomapped – Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez  Production management-  Astrid Rostaing  Editor and script advisor- Rodrigo Vásquez Director of photography- Daniel Serrano Minar  Site-specific curator and script consultant- Paz Ponce Pérez-Bustamante  Choreographic advice –Diego Agulló  Music – Ángel Sánchez Borges  Sound recording –Diane Barbé  Sound- Jeremy Woodruff  Making of –Arturo Alejandro Technical support –Andreas Harder  Set construction –Jan Romer  Graphic Design: Designsby.Coco

                    In partnership with:                Funded and supported by .




Event Schedule



::.LIMINAL is a site specific artwork that intends to transcend the limits of the stage and use the architecture of Berlin as a second skin, bringing the experience of performative bodies into public space through large-scale 3D video projections onto buildings. Each event will constitute a dialogue between the location’s characteristics/history/symbolism and the dancer’s performance projected onto the architecture. Between 7pm to 9pm the videomapping projection will be running in a 10-15 minute loop.

Performances by:

Julia B. Laperrière (Canada)
Lola Rubio (Spain)
Rodrigo García Alves (Brazil/Germany)
Lempira Jaén (Honduras)
Sonia Noya (Swiss/Spain)
Isadora Paz (Honduras/Argentina)
Peter Pleyer, (Germany)
Dominique Tegho ( Lebannon)





November 2021


Location: Invalidenpark-“Sinkende Mauer”

Address: Invalidenstraße, 10115 Berlin


Time: 7-9 pm *ongoing 10-15 minute loop


November 2021

Location:Golda-Meir-Steg (neben Gedenkstätte Günter Liftin)

Address: Golda-Meir-Steg, 10115 Berlin


Time: 7-9 pm (ongoing, 10-15 minute loop)


November 2021

Location: Floating houseboat /Rummelsburg

Address: Uferweg, 10245 Berlin : https://goo.gl/maps/k32RVrxCVcrNGXzG6

Special thanks for the support to Spreepublik.org

Time: 7-9 pm *ongoing 10-15 minute loop



November 2021

Location: Geschichtspark Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit

Exact location:  https://goo.gl/maps/C6sr3R5TNCgK8iEs9

Address: Lehrter Str. 5B, 10557 Berlin

Time: 7-9 pm (ongoing, 10-15 minute loop)




November 2021

Location: Krematorium Berlin

Address: Südostallee 55, 12437 Berlin

Time: 7-9 pm *ongoing 10-15 minute loop



November 2021

Location: Anhalter Bahnhof

Address Askanischer Platz 6, 10963 Berlin

Time: 7-9 pm (ongoing, 10-15 minute loop)


Covid-19 general rules

Contact restrictions must be observed in public spaces. Currently, all residents of Berlin must follow general rules of conduct and hygiene. Everyone is required to reduce physical social contact with people from outside the home to the absolute minimum. If possible and reasonable to do so, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters is to be maintained from all persons who do not belong to your own household.


Herr Ahrent-Kratz, Frau August & Frau Teumer (Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin), Emanuel Soxteptoïd (Anarchitect and Spacecialist), Frau Kozubal (Krematorium Berlin), Herr Scheffelmeier, Frau Tekin & Herr Vogt (Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg von Berlin), Sarah Blendin & Meike-Marie Thiele (Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin). Charlotte Wagner & Janett Metzger (NPN Nationales Performance Netz / Stepping Out), Conny Breitkreutz & Clara Brockmann (Uferstudios GmbH),  Andrzej Raszyk,  Andreas Botcher and Peer Tritz (rebeam), Recep Aydinlar (Quartiersmanagement Soldiner) and Spreepublik crew.